Post-Sermon Podcast
Take the Sunday Sermon with you beyond Sunday and into the week. The Post-Sermon Podcast takes up the sermons preached at St. John Lutheran Church in Dublin, OH. We invite you the listener into further reflection on the faith and hope that we have in Jesus. In case you missed it, the show notes will include a link to the Sunday sermon.
192 episodes
The Spirituality of the Cross | Chapter 2 The Means of Grace
Throughout the season of Lent 2025, we will have a virtual book study.Deaconess Dehlia and Pastor Adam sit down with member Kris Camealy. Together, they discuss the chapters of Gene Veith’s The Spirituality of the Cross.

Quinquagesima & Ash Wednesday | 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 & Jonah 3:1-10 | 2025 AD
Preacher: Pastor Adam SteinbrennerHearer Submitted Questions: -What significance is there to when the Bible speaks of human beings at tripartite: body, mind, and spirit? Any connection to the Trinity?-Did Jesus speak i...

The Spirituality of the Cross | Chapter 1 Justification
Throughout the season of Lent 2025, we will have a virtual book study.Deaconess Dehlia and Pastor Adam sit down with member Kris Camealy. Together, they discuss the chapters of Gene Veith’s The Spirituality of the Cross.

‘Someone to Boast About’ | 2 Corinthians 11:19-12:9 | Sexagesima 2025 AD
We foolishly walk through the sermon from last Sunday. Hopefully, our boasting podcast is of Christ and not of ourselves.Preacher: Pastor Adam SteinbrennerHearer Submitted Question:• What are some of the theories given abou...

The Spirituality of the Cross | Introduction
Throughout the season of Lent 2025, we will have a virtual book study.On the podcast, Deaconess Dehlia and Pastor Adam sit down with member Kris Camealy. Together, they discuss the chapters of Gene Veith’s The Spirituality of the Cro...

‘Safe in Christ’ | 1 Corinthians 9:24-10:5 | 2025 AD
In addition to today’s regular episode, we discuss our upcoming Lenten book study. Preacher: Pastor Adam SteinbrennerSubmit sermon questions by emailing podcast@stjohndublin.org

We Are Back | Two Sermons | Luke 2:22-40 & Exodus 3:1-14
And we are back. We catch up on the last two sermons and see the kind of comfort that God has come to bring us through Jesus.Preacher: Pastor Adam SteinbrennerHearer-Submitted Questions:-In Luke 2:35, what does it...

Podcast on Sabbatical
We share a special announcement about the podcast before Pastor Adam heads into sabbatical in January.Submit sermon questions by emailing podcast@stjohndublin.orgChurch Website: stjohndublin.orgChurch Center: stjohndublin.c...

Christmas Eve & Christmas Day | 2024 AD
Today’s episode was recorded before the sermons were preached. Thanks for listening to the Pre-Sermon Podcast!Preacher: Pastor Adam SteinbrennerSubmit sermon questions by emailing podcast@stjohndublin.org

Advent 2-4 | 2024 AD
Well, that was a quick Advent,We catch up on a bunch of sermons in a short amount of time.Don’t judge us!Preacher: Pastor Adam SteinbrennerHearer-Submitted Question:-When does judgement come into play and not in the C...

Advent 1 Sunday & Wednesday Sermons | Romans 13:11-14 & 1 Samuel 5 | 2024 AD
We plan to work through the Sunday and Wednesday sermons each week in one episode.Hearer-Submitted Question: Did Paul have access to the gospels? Is that why he often quotes Jesus words?Preacher: Pastor Adam SteinbrennerS...

‘Who Not What’ | Matthew 25:1-13 | Last Sunday of the Church Year 2024 AD
We discuss the upside down, right side up reality of the gospel as shown through Matthew’s gospel. Preacher: Pastor Adam SteinbrennerSubmit sermon questions by emailing podcast@stjohndublin.org

Triple Episode | Sermons from All Saints’, Trinity 24, & Trinity 25 2024 AD
Well, at least we got caught up on the podcast before the church year is done.Preacher: Pastor Adam SteinbrennerHearer Submitted Questions:-Is there any significance in the number of the beatitudes (8or9)? Or in the fact that...

‘All in Christ’ | John 2:13-25 | Reformation Observed 2024 AD
It was a big day at St. John as we observed the Reformation and celebrated 25 years in the main sanctuary. We discussed some of the challenges of putting together a sermon focused on a text but also governed by the events of the day.Pre...

Around the Sermon ep.13 | Vocation of LCMS District President
Deaconess Dehlia had the opportunity to sit down during the OH District Church Workers Conference and talk with our District President Rev. Kevin Wilson.In this episode we learn more about the local and national focused work of a District P...

‘King Jesus’ | Ephesians 6:10-17 | Trinity 21 2024 AD
We talk about junk mail that pastors receive, the relation of fear and worry, and also catch up on a hearer-submitted question connected to last week’s guest preacher.Preacher: Pastor Adam SteinbrennerHearer-Submitted Questions:<...

‘Many Miracles’ | Matthew 9:1-8 | Trinity 19 2024 AD
While discussing last Sunday’s sermon, we reflect further on miracles and how our God works presently to care for his creation and for his ultimate salvation miracle on the cross and on Easter.Preacher: Pastor Adam SteinbrennerSu...

‘Along for the Ride’ | Matthew 18:1-10 | St. Michael & All Angels 2024 AD
We discuss more about angels following our celebration of St. Michael and all angels.Preacher: Pastor Adam SteinbrennerHearer Submitted Question:-Why is Michael referred to as ‘saint’ instead of ‘archangel’?Submit Ser...

‘Purchased by Jesus’ | Ephesians 4:1-6 | Trinity 17 2024 AD
We talk more about the challenges of grounding the epistles in the New Testament in their context and how that challenge affects preparing and hearing sermons based on epistle readings.Preacher: Pastor Adam SteinbrennerSubmit Ser...

Guest Preacher - Seminarian Tyler Martin | 1 Kings 17:17-24 | Trinity 16 2024 AD
In addition to going through the sermon from Sunday, Deaconess Dehlia catches up with Seminarian Tyler Martin. We also find out his favorite book in A Series of Unfortunate EventsPreacher: Seminarian Tyler Martin...

‘Do Not Worry’ | Matthew 6:24-34 | Trinity 15 2024 AD
We reflect on worry and the 4th petition in the Lord’s Prayer.Also, find out who will be our guest preacher next Sunday.Preacher: Pastor Adam SteinbrennerSubmit Sermon Questions:Email | podcast@stjohndublin.org<...

‘For wisdom must come from Wisdom’ | Proverbs 4:10-23 | Trinity 14 2024 AD
The themes of Wisdom, idols, light, and darkness encompass the conversation this week. Preacher: Pastor Adam SteinbrennerQuestion: What are idols in our lives?Submit Sermon Questions:Email | podcast@stjohndublin.org<...

A Month of Sermons | Trinity 10-Trinity 13 2024 AD
It has been a month since we recorded a regular episode. Today, we catch up: four sermons, one episode.Preacher: Pastor Adam SteinbrennerSubmit Sermon Questions:Email | podcast@stjohndublin.orgSermons:<...

Around the Sermon ep. 13 | ‘Ask the Pastor’ - Ruth Circle Questions
In this episode, we ask the pastor a number of questions submitted by the Ruth Circle Bible Study. Thank you to our Ruth Circle ladies for sharing their questions with us on the podcast.Email | podcast@stjohndublin.org...

Double Episode | Romans 8:12-17 & Luke 16:1-13 | Trinity 8 & 9 2024 AD
We catch up on the last couple of sermons reflecting on themes from adoption to the parable of the unjust manager.Preacher: Pastor Adam SteinbrennerHearer Submitted Question:-Looking verses 11 and 13 in the Luke 16 reading wh...