Post-Sermon Podcast

Quinquagesima & Ash Wednesday | 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 & Jonah 3:1-10 | 2025 AD

Pastor Adam & Deaconess Dehlia

Preacher: Pastor Adam Steinbrenner

Hearer Submitted Questions: 

-What significance is there to when the Bible speaks of human beings at tripartite: body, mind, and spirit? Any connection to the Trinity?

-Did Jesus speak in parables because his disciples would become too alarmed if he spoke directly about the cross?

-When you give up things or fast during Lent, are you able to partake of them on Sunday?

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Link to Sermon

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Thank you to Higher Things Inc. for permission to use their recording of LSB 834 “O God, O Lord of Heaven and Earth”. (

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