Post-Sermon Podcast
Post-Sermon Podcast
Triple Episode | Sermons from All Saints’, Trinity 24, & Trinity 25 2024 AD
Text Your Questions & Comments Here!
Well, at least we got caught up on the podcast before the church year is done.
Preacher: Pastor Adam Steinbrenner
Hearer Submitted Questions:
-Is there any significance in the number of the beatitudes (8or9)? Or in the fact that Jesus opens his sermon with blessings?
-Is there any doubt historically about the authenticity of Paul’s letters?
-The choice of hymn 750 seemed to fit perfectly with the sermon. Did one inspire the other?
-Are we the church to be corrupt forever, wedded to the Savior but never forsaking our former ways? How then can we evangelize? Why would anyone listen to us?
-Why do we focus so much on the church and being Lutheran rather than on the things Jesus directs us to do?
Submit sermon questions by emailing podcast@stjohndublin.org
Link to All Saints’ Sermon
Link to Trinity 24 Sermon
Link to Trinity 25 Sermon
Church Website: stjohndublin.org
Church Center: stjohndublin.churchcenter.com
Thank you to Higher Things Inc. for permission to use their recording of LSB 834 “O God, O Lord of Heaven and Earth”. (leader.higherthings.org)
Thank you for listening to the Post-Sermon Podcast.