Post-Sermon Podcast
Take the Sunday Sermon with you beyond Sunday and into the week. The Post-Sermon Podcast takes up the sermons preached at St. John Lutheran Church in Dublin, OH. We invite you the listener into further reflection on the faith and hope that we have in Jesus. In case you missed it, the show notes will include a link to the Sunday sermon.
Post-Sermon Podcast
‘All in Christ’ | John 2:13-25 | Reformation Observed 2024 AD
Pastor Adam & Deaconess Dehlia
It was a big day at St. John as we observed the Reformation and celebrated 25 years in the main sanctuary. We discussed some of the challenges of putting together a sermon focused on a text but also governed by the events of the day.
Preacher: Pastor Adam Steinbrenner
Submit sermon questions by emailing podcast@stjohndublin.org
Church Website: stjohndublin.org
Church Center: stjohndublin.churchcenter.com
Thank you to Higher Things Inc. for permission to use their recording of LSB 834 “O God, O Lord of Heaven and Earth”. (leader.higherthings.org)
Thank you for listening to the Post-Sermon Podcast.