Post-Sermon Podcast
Post-Sermon Podcast
Double Episode | Romans 8:12-17 & Luke 16:1-13 | Trinity 8 & 9 2024 AD
We catch up on the last couple of sermons reflecting on themes from adoption to the parable of the unjust manager.
Preacher: Pastor Adam Steinbrenner
Hearer Submitted Question:
-Looking verses 11 and 13 in the Luke 16 reading which says ‘you cannot serve both God and money’, since money is a fundamental human invention, if we are not subjecting all our inventions to God, are we idolizing them?
Submit Sermon Questions:
Email | podcast@stjohndublin.org
Link to Romans Sermon
Link to Luke Sermon
Church Website: stjohndublin.org
Church Center: stjohndublin.churchcenter.com
Thank you to Higher Things Inc. for permission to use their recording of LSB 834 “O God, O Lord of Heaven and Earth”. (leader.higherthings.org)
Thank you for listening to the Post-Sermon Podcast.