Post-Sermon Podcast
Take the Sunday Sermon with you beyond Sunday and into the week. The Post-Sermon Podcast takes up the sermons preached at St. John Lutheran Church in Dublin, OH. We invite you the listener into further reflection on the faith and hope that we have in Jesus. In case you missed it, the show notes will include a link to the Sunday sermon.
Podcasting since 2022 • 186 episodes
Post-Sermon Podcast
Latest Episodes
We Are Back | Two Sermons | Luke 2:22-40 & Exodus 3:1-14
And we are back. We catch up on the last two sermons and see the kind of comfort that God has come to bring us through Jesus.Preacher: Pastor Adam SteinbrennerHearer-Submitted Questions:-In Luke 2:35, what does it...

Podcast on Sabbatical
We share a special announcement about the podcast before Pastor Adam heads into sabbatical in January.Submit sermon questions by emailing podcast@stjohndublin.orgChurch Website: stjohndublin.orgChurch Center: stjohndublin.c...

Christmas Eve & Christmas Day | 2024 AD
Today’s episode was recorded before the sermons were preached. Thanks for listening to the Pre-Sermon Podcast!Preacher: Pastor Adam SteinbrennerSubmit sermon questions by emailing podcast@stjohndublin.org

Advent 2-4 | 2024 AD
Well, that was a quick Advent,We catch up on a bunch of sermons in a short amount of time.Don’t judge us!Preacher: Pastor Adam SteinbrennerHearer-Submitted Question:-When does judgement come into play and not in the C...

Advent 1 Sunday & Wednesday Sermons | Romans 13:11-14 & 1 Samuel 5 | 2024 AD
We plan to work through the Sunday and Wednesday sermons each week in one episode.Hearer-Submitted Question: Did Paul have access to the gospels? Is that why he often quotes Jesus words?Preacher: Pastor Adam SteinbrennerS...